
2023年11月7日—IbelievethebestapproachistousetheTTN_NEEDTEXTnotificationandfilltheNMTTDISPINFOstructure:unitUnit1;interfaceusesWinapi.,2018年9月14日—ATrackBarcontrolisusedtoaddahorizontalscrollingfeaturetoaWindowsFormscontrolthatdoesnothavebuilt-inscrollingfeature.In ...,RadTrackBar,sometimescalledaslidercontrol,canbeusedfornavigatingalargeamountofinformationorforvisuallyadjustinganumericsettin...

How can I update the tooltip text of a Windows trackbar ...

2023年11月7日 — I believe the best approach is to use the TTN_NEEDTEXT notification and fill the NMTTDISPINFO structure: unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.

TrackBar In C#

2018年9月14日 — A TrackBar control is used to add a horizontal scrolling feature to a Windows Forms control that does not have built-in scrolling feature. In ...

Properties and Events

RadTrackBar, sometimes called a slider control, can be used for navigating a large amount of information or for visually adjusting a numeric setting.

TrackBar Control

Telerik Windows Forms TrackBar is a slider control that allows the user to select a value or a ranges of values on a bar by moving a slider(s).

TrackBar 控制項

2023年10月19日 — Windows Forms TrackBar 控制項(有時也稱為「滑杆」控制項)用於流覽大量的資訊,或以視覺化方式調整數值設定。 控制項 TrackBar 有兩個部分:拇指,也稱 ...

TrackBar 類別(System.Windows.Forms)

取得或設定控制項上邊緣和其容器工作區(Client Area) 上邊緣之間的距離(單位為像素)。 (繼承來源Control). TopLevelControl. 取得沒有其他Windows Form 父控制項的父控制項 ...

TrackBarControl Class

TrackBarControl Class ... Displays a scale with tick marks. Users can drag a thumb to change the current value. Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors. Assembly: ...